9,851 research outputs found

    Impact of Higher Education on Economic Growth of Pakistan

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    This paper investigates the returns of higher education on economic growth of Pakistan from 1972 to 2008 through the application of Cobb-Douglas production function. The prime objective of the study is to identify and establish a link between the higher education and economic growth of Pakistan. For this purpose the impact of higher education enrollment on economic growth is analyzed. An attempt is made, in this study, to analyze the educational trends, the strategies and challenges for higher educational and its role in overall development in the country. Furthermore, the study also delves that a well educated labor force appears to significantly affluence the economic growth. The research also provides some implications for the policy purpose to develop higher education so as to curb the use of expatriate manpower in different sectors of the economy.Education: Economic Growth: Cobb Douglas PF

    The politics of constitutional amendments in Bangladesh: The case of the non-political caretaker government

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    لقد ألغى التعديل الخامس عشر للدستور البنغالي النص الذي كان يقضي بإجراء انتخابات في ظل وجود حكومة انتقالية غير سياسية، والذي أجري في ظله ثلاثة انتخابات ناجحة في بنغلاديش. لقد أسفر إلغاء نظام حكومة تسيير الأعمال غير السياسية عن أعمال عنف في جميع أنحاء البلاد وانتخابات لم يشارك بها أبرز أحزاب المعارضة عام 2014. تبحث هذه المقالة في سياق تمرير التعديلات الدستورية الأخيرة (فيما يتعلق بحكومة تسيير الأعمال غير السياسية )، وبالأخص التعديل الخامس عشر على الدستور البنغالي. وترى أن التعديلات الدستورية في بنغلاديش قد استخدمت كذريعة لتحقيق مصالح سياسية، مما بدوره يمنح امتيازات انتخابية للحزب الحاكم. لقد استغلت الحكومات المتعاقبة مؤسسات ديمقراطية ومؤسسات رقابية من أجل تمرير تعديلات دستورية تصب لصالح الحزب الحاكم. وتسلط المقالة الضوء على تقرير اللجنة الخاصة حول حكم المحكمة العليا بشأن التعديل الدستوري الخامس عشر والتعديل الثالث عشر، والذي أقر بعدم دستورية حكم الحكومة الانتقالية، ومن ثم منح الحكومة القائمة الشرعية التي تحتاجها لتعديل الدستور. كما يتضح من دراسة التعديلات الدستورية للنص الخاص بالحكومات الانتقالية غير السياسية كيف حددت الأحزاب السياسية موقفها من تلك التعديلات بالتأييد أو المعارضة وفق انتماءاتهم سواء للحكومة أو للأحزاب المعارضةThe Fifteenth Amendment to the Bangladesh Constitution removed the provision for elections under a non-political caretaker government, which allowed for three successful elections in the country. The removal of the non-political caretaker government provision resulted in countrywide violence and an election without participation by the major opposition groups in 2014. This article studies the context in which recent constitutional amendments, (in relation to the non-political caretaker government) have been passed, particularly the Fifteenth Amendment to the Bangladesh Constitution. The article argues that constitutional amendments in Bangladesh have been used in an instrumentalist way for political expediency which, in turn, gives electoral advantage to the ruling party. Democratic institutions and institutions of accountability have been utilised by successive governments in order to pass constitutional amendments that favour the ruling party. The article highlights the Special Committee Report on the Fifteenth Amendment and the Thirteenth Amendment judgment by the Supreme Court, which declared the caretaker government provision unconstitutional and therefore gave the government the legitimacy it required to amend the Constitution. The study of constitutional amendments in relation to the non-political caretaker government provision also illustrates how political parties have demanded or rejected constitutional amendments depending on whether they are in government or in the opposition

    Laser Beam Welding of Stainless Steels

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    Obiettivo principale di questa tesi di dottorato è quello di studiare la saldatura laser degli acciai inossidabili. Durante gli esperimenti un laser Nd-YAG in onda continua da 1.1kW è stato utilizzato per saldare rispettivamente acciai martensitici in configurazione di piena penetrazione e combinazioni di acciai austenitici/ferritici in configurazione d’angolo. È stata studiata l’influenza di vari parametri di processo come potenza del laser, velocità di saldatura, diametro della fibra, angolo di incidenza e defocalizzazione nonché le loro interazioni sulla geometria del giunto e sulle sue proprietà meccaniche. Si sono analizzati, inoltre, gli effetti della densità di energia e dell’energia per unità di lunghezza sulle caratteristiche del giunto di saldatura in modo da evidenziare la dipendenza del processo dai fenomeni di scambio termico. Successivamente si è studiato la microstruttura della solidificazione del giunto e la relativa distribuzione degli elementi di lega per diversi valori della densità di energia correlandole con la variazione locale della microdurezza. Durante il corso della ricerca, sono state utiliizzate tecniche di DOE come il FFD ed il RSM con l’obiettivo di modellare ed ottimizzare il processo di saldatura laser. In questa fase, per ogni materiale saldato sono stati elaborati dei modelli in grado di determinare i fattori chiave che governano il processo. Tali modelli, inoltre, sono stati ottimizzati prendendo in considerazione la combinazione dei parametri di processo che consente di avere giunti di qualità superiore in termin di geometria e caratteristiche meccaniche. È stato, infine, elaborato un modello teorico per la determinazione della geometria di un giunto ottenibile dalla saldatura in piena penetrazione di acciai ferritici. Tale modello si basa sul concetto che la geometria risultante è funzione del tipo di scambio termico che si genera durante il processo e che a sua volta tale scmbio termico vari in funzione della densità di energia fornita dla laser. Il modello ha dimostrato una corrispondenza con i dati sperimentali con una maggior accuratezza nel caso di saldatura per conduzione

    The influence of educational technology on affective education in maritime education and training (MET)

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    Potential Phytochemicals and Pharmacological Aspect of Ficus deltoidea Plant

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    Ficus deltoidea is a potential plant used for several purposes. This plant traditionally used for various treatment in the different parts of the globe. Ficus deltoidea has diversed morphology and mostly found in south Asian countries. Due to its great potential, recently it is getting famous as more attention given in exploring herbs as an alternative for medicine. The active phytochemicals of F. deltoidea have been studied for antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, anti-ulcerogenic and wound healing activities. This review article will focus on to elaborate the active phytochemicals and pharmacological properties of F. deltoidea plant